Our articles synthesize the latest news and research — connecting the dots between public education and public good.
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Why ECE matters: developing transferable skills from the start
Christine Schandl, People for Education’s Research Manager, talks about what she learned at our annual conference from Magdalena Janus and Lois Mahon, two leading experts on Early Childhood Education.
Celebrate International Day of Education
The United Nations General Assembly has proclaimed January 24th as International Day of Education.
New year, new initiatives, new leadership
As we head into 2019, People for Education will be focusing on the future of public education – both the challenges it faces and the opportunities it offers.
Defining success: Views from the next generation
Vincent Atallah, PFE board member and chair of the NextGen Committee, talks about what he learned at our annual conference from a panel of young people discussing what “success” means to them.
What is “non-core” funding?
The Ministry recently asked whether there are“parts of the funding formula that are not core to the delivery of education in Ontario.” Annie Kidder asks what should the core business of education be?
New study finds relationship between students’ demographics and their Learning Skills marks on report cards
A recently released report finds that students with the same levels of achievement on Grade 6 EQAO math tests may have different assessments of their learning skills, based on their demographics.
Provincial funding announcements may affect programs for students at risk
On December 14th, the Ministry of Education sent memos to school boards across the province outlining a number of areas where funding is going to be reduced or discontinued. Find out which programs are affected.
Singapore moving beyond testing and ranking
Singapore, one of the world’s highest-ranked education systems, is implementing changes that will “encourage individuals to concentrate on their own learning development,” and reduce the emphasis on rote-learning, student ranking, and exam preparation.
The future of public education is the future of Canada
It’s in the public education system itself where hope lies. It is only through systemic change that we can ensure that young people are gaining the skills they will need for the future.
Public education: the future starts here
An article by Andreas Schleicher, Director for Education and Skills at the OECD, about educating students for their future, is a good starting point for our ongoing dialogue about the future of public education.