Our articles synthesize the latest news and research — connecting the dots between public education and public good.
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Standardized testing
When test scores are used as a proxy for overall system success, it can lead governments to target funding and policy in ways that may ignore competencies that are vital for students’ long-term success.
Skills for work and for life
Ontario’s curriculum and policy requires comprehensive change to ensure that students are prepared for the world they will enter upon graduation. However, it is important to focus on the competencies they need for the future.
Strong health programs in school promote life-long health
Effective, evidence-based health education supports students in adopting healthy lifestyles from an early age. It helps them manage risks, and provides them with the skills and competencies they need to engage in health promoting behaviours.
The Equalizer: How education creates fairness for children in Canada
Since 2000, UNICEF has released a series of publications focusing on the well-being of children in wealthy countries. This year’s report card looks at equality in education.
Report finds increased demands on Ontario principals
Results from People for Education's 2018 survey show that it is a challenge for today’s principals to find the time to fulfill their role as curriculum leaders, while also managing all of the administrative tasks.
The global movement to global competencies
For future success, students need competencies that extend beyond the 3Rs into areas like creativity, health, social-emotional learning, and citizenship. Education systems around the world are starting to embed these competencies into school curriculum.
It’s time to get serious about play
A new report from the American Academy of Pediatrics says that children and young people aren’t getting enough time to develop the vital competencies and skills that are learned through play.
Can schools help alleviate mental health concerns?
A new report raises concerns about how Canada is addressing mental health problems among young people. Schools are the ideal place to promote mental health and provide support for students with mental health issues.
Parents can make a difference in their children’s success
People for Education reviewed over 30 years of research and identified four key things parents can do to help their children succeed, both academically and in the development of health, citizenship, creativity, and social-emotional competencies.
Is teaching the most important job in the world?
Teachers teach the next generation of society. While there are many important professions, none of them affect all of society’s children – and thus all of society – in the way teaching does.