Our articles synthesize the latest news and research — connecting the dots between public education and public good.
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It takes a village: Engaging communities to support student success
A pilot program aimed at improving literacy skills in young children found that engaging parents, teachers, and the community helped to improve literacy and change the way that the community thought about reading.
Vast majority of Canadian students are meeting the national standard in reading
Results from the 2016 Pan-Canadian Assessment Program (PCAP) show that Canada’s public school students continue to demonstrate high levels of proficiency in reading, mathematics, and science.
Does Ontario provide equitable access to arts education?
New data show that students in small/rural schools, schools with higher levels of poverty, or with lower levels of parental education, are less likely to have access to learning opportunities in the arts.
Province increases funding for special education
Ontario has added new funding to decrease wait times for special education assessment; increase support for students with very high needs; and improve school board supports for special education services.
Province to fund mental health workers in schools
By 2020, most high schools will have their own mental health worker.
More guidance counsellors for grades 7 and 8
The province has announced increases in per pupil funding for guidance counsellors for grades 7 and 8.
School-closing process to change
All of Ontario's school boards will be affected by changes to the province's guidelines for Pupil Accommodation Reviews. Many aspects of the process for closing schools are being revised.
The fundraising advantage
A new report from People for Education reveals that Ontario elementary schools with low poverty rates raise twice the amount raised by schools with higher poverty rates.
Equity in the news
Canada's largest school board is planning substantial changes to close the gap in student outcomes.
Beyond the 3R’s: Competencies that matter
Students need more than the 3Rs to be successful in school and in life. Health, citizenship, social-emotional, and creativity competencies are the ‘survival skills’ for the 21st century.