Special education report 2016
This report is an excerpt from our 2016 annual report on Ontario's publicly funded schools.
Arts report 2016
This report is an excerpt from People for Education’s 2016 annual report on Ontario’s publicly funded schools.
Northern, rural schools at a disadvantage
Results from People for Education’s 19th Annual School Survey raise significant questions about the impact of geography on students’ equitable access to education.
Special education supports in Ontario’s schools
Special education funding changes in Ontario may result in improved access and better programs, but there is currently no information available about the impact of the changes.
Moving toward reconciliation in Ontario’s publicly funded schools
This report articulates an approach to reconciliation in our publicly funded schools that will engender real change for all students.
What matters in Indigenous education: Implementing a vision committed to holism, diversity and engagement
Dr. Pamela Toulouse explores an Indigenous approach to quality learning environments and the Measuring What Matters competencies/skills.
Social-emotional skills: the new basics
Dr. Stuart Shanker examines current research on social-emotional skills, and why they are essential for students' long-term success.
Measuring What Matters: Creativity Domain
Dr. Rena Upitis of Queen's University examines why creativity and innovation are core skills for long-term success.
The School Context Model – How School Environments Shape Students’ Opportunities to Learn
Dr. Nina Bascia, from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, highlights the interactive and dynamic environments in schools that support and shape rich learning experiences for students and educators.
Measuring What Matters: Physical and Mental Health in Schools
This report outlines the long-term benefits - to students' educational and life outcomes - of supporting students' health through comprehensive school health programs.