Our conference brings together educators, researchers, parents, students, and policy-makers to connect with and learn from each other. This year's topic was "I want that in my school!" Explore videos, notes and highlights from our annual conference.
Keynote Address by Dr. Jean Clinton
Dr. Jean Clinton takes us on a tour of what a school could look like, with an emphasis on the formation of relationships.
Plenary panels
Pushing the Limits |
Assessment and Reporting |
How do we prepare children for a future we can’t even imagine? To promote students’ long-term chances for health, happiness and economic security, our public education system will need to foster innovators and nimble problem-solvers.
This panel looked at some real-life examples of Canadian schools doing extraordinary things and provided a vision of what schooling can and should look like in our rapidly changing world. |
Measurement and big data are in the education news a lot. Data from measurement can be used to rank schools, but it can also provide detailed information to help target areas of need, understand inequities, and know more about our students and staff.
This panel tried to “unpack” some of the rhetoric around measurement. Is there a measurement/assessment “sweet spot”? How can we ensure that we have all the information we need about our students without creating narrow policy responses? |
Video and highlights from the session | Video and highlights from the session |
Academic or Applied: De-streaming high schools
Educators discuss the decision students must make between academic and applied, and explore how one school has eliminated streaming in grade 9.

Incorporating Indigenous perspectives in teaching
Speakers discuss how schools can go beyond offering stand-alone "native studies" courses, and incorporate Indigenous perspectives and knowledge in all subjects.

To close or not to close: The challenge of small schools
This panel looks at the importance of local schools in rural communities, the viability of small schools, and the challenges in keeping them open.

Getting away from A’s: New approaches to assessment
This session explores new ways students are being assessed in the classroom, and what it means for parents, students, and teachers.
Strategies for more inclusive school fundraising
This session looks at the latest data on school fundraising and the issues about equity, both between and within schools.

Helping more students attend post-secondary
How can we help more students attend post-secondary? The goal of the ABACUS program is to improve access to post-secondary education by focusing on grades 6 to 9.

Teachers on teaching transferable skills
Participants in the Measuring What Matters field trials talk about how they are integrating global competencies such as health, citizenship, social-emotional learning, and creativity into their teaching.

Strategies to engage students in healthy eating
Panelists discuss programs schools are using to engage kids in healthy eating, by involving them directly in growing, preparing food.
How students are changing their communities
Students discuss how they have used their voice and applied their creativity and problem-solving skills to improve their schools and communities.
Building informed citizens through math
Educators discuss how students can use their math skills to address real-life problems, and develop their citizenship skills at the same time.
Minister’s address: Ontario’s vision for education
Minister of Education Mitzie Hunter talks about the importance of preparing Ontario’s students for the changing world they will face after graduation.