Our articles synthesize the latest news and research — connecting the dots between public education and public good.
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How does the province fund school boards?
School boards are talking about cuts to funding and teaching staff, but how does the province provide funding to school boards and why is each board’s funding different?
Education funding changes affecting budgets, course choices
School boards and schools across Ontario have announced reductions in course offerings, teacher lay-off notices, and budget cuts.
A student vision for education in Ontario
The Ontario Student Trustees’ Association has released The Students’ Vision for Education, with recommendations to transform every facet of the education system.
How many teachers are we losing and who is right about class size?
Is there more money in the system? Less? How many teachers will be lost? And is this is a conversation about class size or money? Annie Kidder looks at the latest funding announcements and what…
Province may change policy for hiring teachers
In January, 2019, the province announced that it is considering changes to the way school boards hire teachers. Consultations on the proposed changes are open until May 31.
Connecting to success: Technology in Ontario’s schools
Highlights from "Connecting to technology", our report on the use of technology in today's schools, including BYOD policies, e-learning, access to technology, and the role of school libraries. The report is based on findings from…
Changes to Ontario education funding and policy will have a long-term impact
Changes announced to Ontario education policy will result in substantial funding cuts for school boards
Results from Ontario’s education consultation released
The Ministry of Education has released the results from the education consultation that took place in the fall of 2018.
Supporting mental health in our schools
Students’ mental health has an impact on both their education and their long-term success. Participants at our annual conference had the opportunity to learn more about the role schools play in supporting students’ mental health…
Reducing deficits may mean reducing education funding
Ontario’s government has pledged to reduce provincial spending by as much as $6 billion. Changes to education funding may result in larger class sizes when the 2019/20 funding is announced.