Keeping track of the essential resources and programs in Ontario’s schools, and how they are affected by changes to provincial policy and funding.
Annual Ontario School Survey
The story behind the survey
When People for Education was founded in 1997, we knew that it was vital to have facts and information from schools to provide evidence of the impact of changes to policy and funding.
At that time, public education was the topic of polarized debate, often based on opinions and politics. People for Education's goal was to provide an objective voice in the middle, and a voice based on evidence rather than taking a side.
The Annual Ontario School Survey was developed with input from school principals, experts, academics, school communities and educators. Every fall since 1999, People for Education has distributed surveys to all of Ontario’s publicly funded schools. And every year, more than 1,000 principals from all parts of the province respond.
Our school survey reports have become a trusted source of information about Ontario’s schools, and have had an impact on policy and funding decisions.
Reporting on AOSS data
Information from the Annual Ontario School Surveys provides an evidence-based perspective on the impact of policy and funding changes on vital areas of public education.
Thank you to all of the survey participants for supporting this unique research project.