Universal public education is a cornerstone of our democratic society. A strong public education system plays a key role in ensuring that the next generation has the skills and competencies needed to contribute to a fair and prosperous society.
Public education
Research on publicly funded education
Mind and Matter: The Vital Link Between Mental Health and Education
There are key teachable/learnable skills that support mental health. These skills can be taught starting in early childhood and throughout school. They not only promote good mental health but, in many cases, these skills can…
Staff shortages a daily issue for many Ontario schools
New results from People for Education’s 2023-24 Annual Ontario School Survey show more than a quarter of Ontario’s schools experience teacher shortages every day, and nearly half experience daily shortages for educational assistants.
Pronouns, children’s rights, and gender – what’s happening across Canada?
Alberta has announced that students who are 15 or younger must have their parents’ consent to alter their names or pronouns at school. This policy shift raises the question of whether parents’ opinions could or…
Education and the 1.5 degree hypothesis
Education can not only encourage people to change their mindsets about climate change but also help them to make informed choices.
Ontario principals sound the alarm about students’ mental health
New data from People for Education – based on survey responses from 1,044 schools across all 72 publicly funded boards in Ontario – reveal that the percentage of schools with no access to psychologists has…
30 years with insufficient progress on child well-being
A recent report from the UN raised serious concerns about Canada’s lack of progress on addressing children’s rights issues.
Ontario is spending millions on tutoring, is it worth it?
Ontario has provided funding for tutoring programs. But does it really help? According to researchers, it depends on quality, frequency, and links to curriculum.
Tracking Canada’s education systems’ response to COVID-19
There are big differences in the directives and plans from Education Ministries across the Country and People for Education has prepared a Canada-wide Education & COVID Tracker to share the comparatives.
School board planning for fall hindered by lack of clarity
School boards require more clarity from the province to support their planning for the fall, and families and students require more support for learning online.
Ontario’s school re-opening plans
The Ministry of Education has announced school re-opening plans, but they leave much of the responsibility and the details to school boards.
How publicly funded education works in Ontario
Learn more about the structure of Ontario's education system, how education funding works, and the roles and responsibilities of the people within the system.
Public education in the news
Why Don’t We Care More About the Humans Who Work in Schools?
More than a quarter of Ontario’s schools experience teacher shortages every day, and nearly half experience daily shortages for educational assistants.
How to Drive Change in Canadian Public Education
What is a long-term, sustainable solution to the many crises facing Canada and the world today? In a new op-ed, Annie Kidder, says the answer lies in a rejuvenation of our public education system.
BC is moving to a system without letter or number grades
BC is moving to a new reporting system for kindergarten to grade 9 students which will focus on core competencies instead of letter or number grades.