People for Education is leading a conversation, both in Ontario and nationally, about the purpose, value and future of universal public education. Connect with us and keep the conversation about public education going.
Media releases
Principals sound the alarm about students’ mental health
Ontario’s principals report increased behavioural issues, students having difficulties with self-regulation, and a range of unaddressed mental health challenges.
New report finds anti-racism strategies inconsistent and under-resourced across Canada
New report by People for Education shows gaps in implementation of anti-racism strategies across Canada and in schools across Ontario.
Survey of Ontario principals reveals lack of action on challenges
Initial findings of People for Education’s 2021-22 Annual Ontario School Survey (AOSS) show that principals continue dealing with an exceptional set of challenges related to running schools during the second year of the pandemic.
Pan-Canadian scan reveals large gaps in education recovery and renewal plans
A cross-Canada scan of K to 12 COVID-related education policies reveals few plans for recovery and renewal, and little funding to support it. People for Education is recommending that the federal government establish a establish…
Why Don’t We Care More About the Humans Who Work in Schools?
More than a quarter of Ontario’s schools experience teacher shortages every day, and nearly half experience daily shortages for educational assistants.
Imagine High: A Bold New Vision for Learning
Without a one-size-fits-all approach, the school lets students explore, create, and thrive in ways that feel personal.
Why Don’t We Care More About the Humans Who Work in Schools?
More than a quarter of Ontario’s schools experience teacher shortages every day, and nearly half experience daily shortages for educational assistants.
How to Drive Change in Canadian Public Education
What is a long-term, sustainable solution to the many crises facing Canada and the world today? In a new op-ed, Annie Kidder, says the answer lies in a rejuvenation of our public education system.
BC is moving to a system without letter or number grades
BC is moving to a new reporting system for kindergarten to grade 9 students which will focus on core competencies instead of letter or number grades.
Principals sound the alarm about students’ mental health
Ontario’s principals report increased behavioural issues, students having difficulties with self-regulation, and a range of unaddressed mental health challenges.