Universal public education is a cornerstone of our democratic society. A strong public education system plays a key role in ensuring that the next generation has the skills and competencies needed to contribute to a fair and prosperous society.
Public education
Research on publicly funded education
National report finds teachers increasingly experience violence in schools
A recent study by the Canadian Teachers’ Federation suggests an increasing amount of teachers across Canada are seeing a rise in both the rate and severity of violence in schools.
OISE survey reveals public opinion on education in Ontario
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE)’s 20th Survey of Educational Issues reveals public opinions regarding satisfaction with Ontario schools, opinions on government spending on education, equity, economic relevance, and more.
Annie Kidder’s convocation address
In a moving convocation address for York University's Faculty of Education, Annie Kidder spoke of the important role teachers play in "educating the new generations that this country, and our world needs."
2018 Annual report on schools: The new basics
People for Education's Annual report on Ontario’s publicly-funded schools is an audit of the education system – a way of keeping track of the impact of funding and policy choices in schools across the province.…
Education questions for Ontario’s new government
Ontario has a new provincial government, and education is one of its key areas of responsibility. We are looking forward to hearing how the new government will address the issues raised in these questions.
Vast majority of Canadian students are meeting the national standard in reading
Results from the 2016 Pan-Canadian Assessment Program (PCAP) show that Canada’s public school students continue to demonstrate high levels of proficiency in reading, mathematics, and science.
More guidance counsellors for grades 7 and 8
The province has announced increases in per pupil funding for guidance counsellors for grades 7 and 8.
Fundraising and fees in Ontario’s schools
This report, based on the results from our annual survey of schools, identifies equity issues related to fundraising and fees in Ontario’s publicly funded schools. Over 1200 schools across Ontario participated in the survey, and…
School-closing process to change
All of Ontario's school boards will be affected by changes to the province's guidelines for Pupil Accommodation Reviews. Many aspects of the process for closing schools are being revised.
Does Ontario need an independent agency to assess education?
Ontario is reviewing assessment and reporting in education. Do we need the EQAO for this work?
How publicly funded education works in Ontario
Learn more about the structure of Ontario's education system, how education funding works, and the roles and responsibilities of the people within the system.
Public education in the news
Why Don’t We Care More About the Humans Who Work in Schools?
More than a quarter of Ontario’s schools experience teacher shortages every day, and nearly half experience daily shortages for educational assistants.
How to Drive Change in Canadian Public Education
What is a long-term, sustainable solution to the many crises facing Canada and the world today? In a new op-ed, Annie Kidder, says the answer lies in a rejuvenation of our public education system.
BC is moving to a system without letter or number grades
BC is moving to a new reporting system for kindergarten to grade 9 students which will focus on core competencies instead of letter or number grades.