The physical and social environment of the school, its connections to the community, and the range of opportunities provided, are key to the development of the skills and competencies students need for long-term success.
Quality Learning Environments
Research on Quality Learning Environments
Mind and Matter: The Vital Link Between Mental Health and Education
There are key teachable/learnable skills that support mental health. These skills can be taught starting in early childhood and throughout school. They not only promote good mental health but, in many cases, these skills can…
$10 a day child care for all – Are we there yet?
Three years ago, the federal government announced the multi-billion-dollar Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care plan, with an aim to reduce child-care costs to an average of $10 per day for all Canadians by 2025.
Education and the 1.5 degree hypothesis
Education can not only encourage people to change their mindsets about climate change but also help them to make informed choices.
Ontario principals sound the alarm about students’ mental health
New data from People for Education – based on survey responses from 1,044 schools across all 72 publicly funded boards in Ontario – reveal that the percentage of schools with no access to psychologists has…
What is civic literacy and why do our kids need it?
A new report from the Samara Centre for Democracy says that now, more than ever, we need “a politically educated and engaged citizenry.”
What role does education research play in this “post-truth” era?
Annie Kidder shares some of the highlights from the ICSEI conference, and talks about the need to close the gaps between evidence, policy, and practice in education.
Defining success: Views from the next generation
Vincent Atallah, PFE board member and chair of the NextGen Committee, talks about what he learned at our annual conference from a panel of young people discussing what “success” means to them.
The Equalizer: How education creates fairness for children in Canada
Since 2000, UNICEF has released a series of publications focusing on the well-being of children in wealthy countries. This year’s report card looks at equality in education.
Back to school…back to basics?
While Ontario’s schools are doing well in teaching “the basics”, students need a broader set of skills, not only to master these ‘basics’, but to ensure that they can thrive in the future.
B.C. curriculum re-design supports students in learning vital competencies
Desert Sands Community School in Ashcroft, BC is supporting the new basics and developing competencies in their students through student-driven interdisciplinary learning.
Quality Learning Environments in the news.
Why Don’t We Care More About the Humans Who Work in Schools?
More than a quarter of Ontario’s schools experience teacher shortages every day, and nearly half experience daily shortages for educational assistants.
How to Drive Change in Canadian Public Education
What is a long-term, sustainable solution to the many crises facing Canada and the world today? In a new op-ed, Annie Kidder, says the answer lies in a rejuvenation of our public education system.
BC is moving to a system without letter or number grades
BC is moving to a new reporting system for kindergarten to grade 9 students which will focus on core competencies instead of letter or number grades.