Our articles synthesize the latest news and research — connecting the dots between public education and public good.
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Why are music rooms closing?
Over the last few years, the Ministry of Education has made substantial changes to education funding.
Health education and supports in Ontario’s schools
Ontario’s revised health and physical education curriculum focuses on the idea that health and physical education programs are most successful when delivered in healthy schools.
Beyond Rocket Science: Meeting the Challenge of Educating Citizens for a Complex World
Dr. Alan Sears talks about the importance of citizenship education.
New Evidence That Teaching Social and Emotional Skills to Inner-City Students Can Contribute to Their Academic Achievement
This research examines social-emotional learning as a promising approach to promote academic proficiency, especially for those students most at risk.
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action
In order to redress the legacy of residential schools and advance the process of Canadian reconciliation, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission made 94 calls to action.
Message not delivered: the myth of apathetic youth and the importance of contact in political participation
In this report, Samara Canada compares political participation and contact rates between citizens and Canadian political leaders across three age groups.
Adding citizenship skills to the curriculum
In this guest blog for Samara, Annie Kidder talks about the importance of including citizenship skills in the curriculum.
Our advisors talk measurement.
In a discussion about developing measurement and assessment tools for the Measuring What Matters domains, a group of Canadian measurement experts identified several factors to consider.
Exploring Learning and Health: What Influences a Child’s Ability to Learn?
This article examines the factors that can influence a student's ability to learn. Many of these factors are health-related, and include hunger, poor vision, lack of connectedness, and exposure to violence.
Teaching and learning for a sustainable future: Citizenship education
According to UNESCO, developing citizenship skills in young people is one of the keys to ensuring a sustainable future.