A broadly based education, with diverse opportunities for learning, provides students with an equitable chance for success, no matter what their background or future goals.
Equity research
Fundraising and fees in Ontario’s schools
This report, based on the results from our annual survey of schools, identifies equity issues related to fundraising and fees in Ontario’s publicly funded schools. Over 1200 schools across Ontario participated in the survey, and…
The fundraising advantage
A new report from People for Education reveals that Ontario elementary schools with low poverty rates raise twice the amount raised by schools with higher poverty rates.
Equity in the news
Canada's largest school board is planning substantial changes to close the gap in student outcomes.
Insights for system change
How can our public education system support students' development of competencies in creativity, citizenship, health, and social-emotional learning?
Equity: Developing competencies, changing trajectories
In order to be successful in school, students need competencies beyond the 3R's. However there can be a “competency gap” between students from high- and low- socio-economic status backgrounds in a number of these areas.
The Learning Opportunities Grant 2017
This report looks at changes to the province's Learning Opportunities Grant, and whether it is meeting its original purpose of supporting students deemed 'at-risk' of academic failure or disengagement.
Fundraising and fees 2017
This report is an excerpt from our annual report on Ontario's publicly funded schools. It examines school-based fundraising and fees, and the growing gap between schools in terms of the amount of money raised.
Toronto’s art school students mostly white, from high-income families, study finds
A new study from OISE find that students at Toronto's art school are predominantly white and from higher-income families, despite the TDSB being on of the most diverse school boards in North America.
Towards race equity in education
This report by Dr. Carl James examines the schooling of Black students in the Greater Toronto Area.
New Evidence That Teaching Social and Emotional Skills to Inner-City Students Can Contribute to Their Academic Achievement
This research examines social-emotional learning as a promising approach to promote academic proficiency, especially for those students most at risk.
In the media:
New report finds anti-racism strategies inconsistent and under-resourced across Canada
New report by People for Education shows gaps in implementation of anti-racism strategies across Canada and in schools across Ontario.
Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action for Education
It has now been seven years since the Truth and Reconciliation Commission delivered its 94 Calls to Action, meant to remedy the ongoing structural legacy of Canada’s residential schools and to advance reconciliation in Canada.
CP24: Ontario schools relying on fundraising creates inequities for students: report
People for Education's report finds that schools in richer areas fundraise twice as much as schools in poorer areas, reproducing patterns of advantage and disadvantage.