Good physical and mental health is critically important to students’ ability to learn. Health education provides students with the self-regulatory skills and competencies they need to make healthy decisions and engage in health promoting behaviours.
of elementary schools have a health and physical education teacher.
of Ontario’s students attend public school.
of all secondary schools report having a guidance counselor.
Health research
Mind and Matter: The Vital Link Between Mental Health and Education
There are key teachable/learnable skills that support mental health. These skills can be taught starting in early childhood and throughout school. They not only promote good mental health but, in many cases, these skills can…
Pronouns, children’s rights, and gender – what’s happening across Canada?
Alberta has announced that students who are 15 or younger must have their parents’ consent to alter their names or pronouns at school. This policy shift raises the question of whether parents’ opinions could or…
Les directions d’école sonnent l’alarme sur la santé mentale des élèves
Les nouvelles données de People for Education révèlent que la santé mentale des élèves et des personnels est un défi majeur pour les écoles de l'Ontario. Les directions d’école font état d’une augmentation des problèmes…
Ontario principals sound the alarm about students’ mental health
New data from People for Education show Ontario schools are not sufficiently supported to help students who are continuing to struggle with the aftereffects of the pandemic. Principals report increased behavioural issues, students having difficulties…
Ontario principals sound the alarm about students’ mental health
New data from People for Education – based on survey responses from 1,044 schools across all 72 publicly funded boards in Ontario – reveal that the percentage of schools with no access to psychologists has…
Webinar Roundup – ‘Q & A with Annie Kidder’
On April 22, Annie Kidder, Executive Director – People for Education took questions on education in a pandemic. We’ve prepared a roundup for you with key takeaways and additional resources that will build out the…
New CMHO report points to long wait times for mental health support for children and youth
A new report from Children’s Mental Health Ontario shows that children are waiting as long as two years for counselling and treatment for mental illness.
Student mental health is everyone’s responsibility
New report finds principals across Ontario are facing increasing challenges in meeting the needs of students struggling with mental health issues., There are also substantial regional disparities in access to supports such as social workers,…
Supporting mental health in our schools
Students’ mental health has an impact on both their education and their long-term success. Participants at our annual conference had the opportunity to learn more about the role schools play in supporting students’ mental health…
Provincial consultation response from People for Education
People for Education's response to the government consultations taking place from October to December, 2018.
Tips for parents:
Health and Physical Education
All students are required to take Health and Physical Education (HPE) from Kindergarten through Grade 8. Students must also earn one high school credit in HPE in order to graduate. Find out more about what students are learning, and why this is an important part of their education.
In the news
Toronto Star: School guidance counsellors ‘stretched’ amid rising mental health needs
People for Education's new report finds students have limited access to school guidance counsellors at a time when transition/career planning is more complicated and students' mental health needs are increasing.
New report highlights competing priorities in education
People for Education's annual report on Ontario’s schools shows decline in library staff and music teachers; improvements in Indigenous education.
New report reveals geographic divide in Ontario schools
People for Education releases 19th Annual Report on Ontario’s Publicly Funded Schools.